This page will contain pictures from the production of some of my work.
Short explanation under each photo.
Some projects might be sold, and some might still be available.
Send me an email if you have any questions!

Sawing out the pieces for a large handle, grinding the initial fit.

Then I glue the metal to the white antler. Working from one end at a time.

Drilling and carving for the blade to fit. Making sure the pieces sit nicely together and everything is straight on the handle.

Grinding a new full-tang knife.

First coat of oil on some old bog oak. Lovely deep color.

Fitting the bolster of mammoth bone. This is the inside/backside.

Added a spacer to the handle. The bolster needs the final finish before etch.
Wood without oil.

Fantastic blades from Daniluk.
One of them is in the workshop, getting the bolster fitted.

Rough-shaping the bolster before the handle wood is fitted.
This will be etched and darkened.

Adjusting the front bolster for a large artknife.
Mammoth bone, before sanding and polish.
Using fine files for a tight fit.

Making the horse in bronze for the chess-set.
Lots of filing to make the shape and finish.

Sheaths made of rawhide leather. Drying up after the sewing.
Some of them will get more decorations, and all will be colored after 3-4 days of drying.

Blades of stainless steel. This is pre heat treat.
Only rough ground. Freehand grinding.
Some flatgrinds, and some hollow.